Best Quote EVER:

"Isn't a Viking wedding where they light you on fire and push you into the ocean?"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend Update

Trying the mobile-blogging function tonight, as we are cooling our heels (figuratively) at a bookstore after a busy but productive! weekend.

After I spent yesterday with our Flower Maiden, EJ and I spent today hitting a bunch of thrift stores near where I work. Well, 4 of the 7 were closed on Sunday; one we couldn't find at all; and at two we got a good haul of plates, knives, and sheets. Still looking for the elusive orange sheets...I don't think they exist!

The entire weekend haul count:
* 14 dinner plates
* 23 cake plates
* 7 forks, 24 knives (knives are ::so:: easy to find!)
* 13 sheets

We're doing so good with the thrifting I think we will beat my June deadline for all the tableware and linens; now I just have to get CRAFTING! Made a list, and there are 17 individual projects to get done (not including all the stationery stuff). Yikes!

Edited: on desktop because mobile blogging won't let me correct grammar and spelling (???)

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