Best Quote EVER:

"Isn't a Viking wedding where they light you on fire and push you into the ocean?"

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Comment on Proposal: Part 1

Jumping in (although thanks to blogger you will read my comment *before* you read EJ's entry) that, although the plan was PERFECT, I did indeed almost ruin the surprise.

Go read EJ's post below, then come back. I can wait.
Ok! So Thursday night the Jen half of J+B calls to invite us over to brew mead. We hang out all the time, so cool beans: we'll come over, do brunch + brew. EJ will make ableskeivers.

FRIday, EJ tells me John + Karen are going to join us for the festivities at J+Bs. Oookay; I *almost* started messaging Karen to ask about John's sudden interest in brewing. Thankfully I didn't, or she probably would have cracked and told me The Plan. (Karen is many wonderful things, but a secret-keeper she is not. More on that after EJ posts Part 2 (or 3 - no idea how many parts this will have!))

He's right that I can 'smell' when something's up - I've successfully missed surprise parties thrown in my honor TWICE because of this! But you'll get more of my freaky 7th sense later on...!

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