Best Quote EVER:

"Isn't a Viking wedding where they light you on fire and push you into the ocean?"

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Five Month Freak Out

Today marks exactly five months to the day we have scheduled for our wedding to take place.

I'm freaking out a bit.
Over EVERYTHING that still has yet to be done.

But instead of losing it in such a public forum (Hi, FMIL! Hello, coworkers!), I am choosing to focus on what *has *been *accomplished so far:
[X] All flatware has been purchased
[X] All dishware has been purchased
[X] Menu (apps and main) are set
[X] All linens have been purchased
[X] People are volunteering right&left to help out with the organization, prep work, and day-of stuff (thank you! we love you ALL!)
[X] Karen has been one busy woman; she's taken this:

And turned it into this:
Table markers!

And totally puts my crafty endeavors to shame at the current moment.

HOWever, I am going to a quilt retreat this weekend, and am planning to come back with no less that one and most potentially FOUR finished projects!

And EJ and I sat down tonight over dinner and did some schedule wrangling and division-of-labor stuff to figure out what we can get done this month while he's still away at Faire for the next 3 weekends.

Lucky me, I get to wash 140 cake plates, 110 full-sized plates, and over 200 pieces of flatware in the next 29 days. Anyone want to volunteer to help me with THAT??? Lolz!

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